Avkastningen fra Tømte-fondet som ble opprettet etter salget av Tømte Gaard vil bli brukt til å avholde symposier i testator Fredrik Oscar Guldbergs ånd. Tema for det første Tømte-symposiet er artsendringer i et klimaperspektiv. Påmelding gjøres til eirik.lislerud@dnva.no
Vi inviterer til et fullt dagsprogram hvor CICERO-direktør Kristin Halvorsen vil åpne symposiet og Professor Chris Thomas fra University of York vil holde keynote-foredrag med tittel «Range shifts of species associated with climate change».
I tillegg har vi invitert forskere fra NINA, Artsdatabanken, NMBU, Universitet i Tromsø og Universitetet i Oslo til å presentere sin forskning relatert til symposiets tema. Symposiet er åpent for alle interesserte, men påmelding er nødvendig.
Påmelding gjøres til eirik.lislerud@dnva.no
9.30-10.00 Coffee
10.00-10.05 Welcome
Ole M. Sejersted, vice-president of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
Per Aagaard, chair of the Tømte Foundation
10.05-10.15 Introduction
Kristin Halvorsen, CICERO, Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo
10.15-11.00 Keynote lecture Range shifts of species associated with climate change
Chris Thomas, University of York
11.00-11.30 Population and community processes behind range shifts: dispersal, demography and interactions in a changing climate
Olav Skarpaas, NINA, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
11.30-12.00 Coffee
12.00-12.30 How are climate change scenarios used in national risk assessments?
Examples from Red List assessments of species and ecosystems, and assessments of Alien species
Arild Lindgaard, NBIC, Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre
12.30-13.00 Climate change and marine communities in the Arctic – case studies from the west coast of Svalbard
Jørgen Berge, University of Tromsø / University Centre on Svalbard
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-14.30 Climate effects on ecosystem dynamics in the Barents Sea
Leif Christian Stige, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo
14.30-15.00 Climate change effects on alpine and arctic plant communities
Kari Klanderud, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
15.00-15.30 Effects of climate change on plant-pollinator interactions
Ørjan Totland, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16.00-16.30 Invasion of boreal species cause fragmentation of the Scandinavian mountain tundra and retreat of alpine specialist species
Nina Eide, NINA, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
16.30-17.00 Tundra disappearance rate as consequences of forest advance – empirical data vs. model predictions
Annika Hofgaard, NINA, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
17.00 Wrap-up
19.00 Dinner for invited guests