Jacques Miller: A scientific odyssey
Det Norske vitenskapsakademi, medisinsk gruppe og Norsk selskap for immunologi inviterer til seminar med den australske immunologen professor Jacques Miller i Runde Auditorium, Domus Medica. Miller vil gi et et historisk tilbakeblikk på oppdagelsen av thymus, og hva implikasjonene av oppdagelsen ble. Det vil bli lett servering i forkant av møtet.
Short bio:
Jacques Miller is the world known discoverer of the function of the thymus. As a PhD student working at the Institute of Cancer Research in the UK in 1959-1961, he conducted a series of experiments on mice leading to the discovery of the essential function of thymus for development of the immune system. After he returned to Australia and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, he went on to determine that there are two types of lymphocytes: Bone marrow derived B-cells, that produce antibodies, and thymus derived T-cells, which is required for B-cells to be able to produce antibodies.