Nansen Neuroscience Lecture 2018
Nansen Neuroscience Lectures honour Nansens ground-breaking contribution to neuroscience and since 10.10.2010 is part of the Academys Nansen-celebration. Like Nansen, this year's speaker Dr Coleen T. Murphy uses simple animals to unravel biological principles, now for cognition and longevity.
Cognitive decline is a major societal concern, increasing with population longevity. Basic mechanisms can be revealed by studies in worms, providing new understanding and novel approaches to prevention and therapy.
Professor Coleen T. Murphy of Princeton University will give this year's lecture on "Regulation of Cognition and Longevity: What worms can teach us".
When: Wednesday 10th October 2018 at 10:30 – 12:30
Where: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters – DNVA, Drammensv 78, 0271 Oslo
Why: The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNLs) are organized in conjunction with Fridtjof Nansen’s birthday to commemorate his fundamental contribution to neuroscience. The NNLs are given by speakers selected from the top tier of science research.
Admission: Open to public, no charge.
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee and refreshments – Mingling
11:00 – 11:03 Opening by Ole M Sejersted, President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
11:03 – 11:06 Introduction by Linda H Bergersen, University of Oslo
11:06 – 11:46 Lecture by Coleen T. Murphy, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
11:46 – 12:00 Discussion and questions from the audience, moderator Jon Storm-Mathisen
12:00 – 12:30 Coffee and refreshments – Informal discussions
Fore more information, background and mini-biography of Dr Murphy, please click here.