International VISTA seminar
The purpose of the VISTA seminar is to bring together high-level experts, in order to review our knowledge on energy transition strategies leading to a sustainable future. The seminar aims to investigate the role of different policies and technologies in the future energy system where there will be no or even negative emissions. This will clearly affect the markets for energy commodities like natural gas, coal and oil and have spillover effects to other sectors in the economy. This raises interesting discussions both on a global, European and Norwegian level. Of particular interest for Norway is the effects of the energy transition both on our own emissions and on our value creation from energy resources. The future of Norwegian oil and gas in light of the transition to a low-carbon society is, understandably, a central topic in Norwegian public discourse.
Tentative program for the day:
11.30 – 12.00 Coffee/ light lunch
12.00 – 12.15 Opening:
Vice President Anders Elverhøi/VISTA Board
The Global energy transition and the 1.5 degree target
12.15 – 12.35 Status and challenges after the Paris-agreement:
Jae Edmonds, Chief Scientist JGCRI
12.35 – 12.55 Global Energy transformation: A roadmap to 2050:
Gayathri Prakash, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
The future of energy commodities
12.55 – 13.15 The future of coal:
Professor Franziska Holz, DIW Berlin
13.15 – 13.35 The future of oil and gas:
Ottar Skagen, EquinorProgram
13.35 - 14.05 Coffee Break
The energy transition in Norway: value creation and climate objectives
14.05 – 14.25 The role of Norway in the European energy transition:
Professor Asgeir Tomasgard, Director of CenSES, NTNU
14.25 – 14.45 Integrated Energy and Transport Systems
Øystein Ulleberg, Principal researcher, IFE
14.45 – 15.05 Norwegian climate objectives - tough targets and weak policies?:
Cathrine Hagem, Senior Researcher, SSB
15.05 – 16.00 Panel discussion
16.00 – 16.30 Aperitif
16.30 – 19.00 Tapas
Registration for the seminar here