Nordic Travels
Interview with Janicke S Kaasa (in Norwegian)
The book from the conference is now available from Novus forlag: Nordic travels (ed. Kaasa, Lothe, Spring)
International conference on travel literature
In this conference, scholars hailing from Norway, Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom will discuss the representation of the Nordic region in travel writing.
Due to current restrictions, the conference will be held digitally
Exploring factual and fictional journeys through text, image and objects from the early nineteenth century until today, the conference aims to provide critical perspectives on established notions of "the Nordic".
The conference is funded by UiO:Norden and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
Recording of day 1
Recording of day 2
Thursday 12 November (via Zoom)
10:30 Janicke S. Kaasa, Ulrike Spring and Jakob Lothe (University of Oslo): Introduction
10:45 Ulrike Spring (University of Oslo): Taking the North back home: Souvenirs around 1900
11:15 Break
11:45 Alexandre Simon-Ekeland (University of Oslo): Fascinated Disgust: French Travellers and Whale Hunting in Northern Norway 1860–1914
12:15 Torild Gjesvik (Oslo): Knud Knudsen: A Travelling Photographer in Nineteenth-Century Norway
12:45 Andrew Newby (Unversity of Helsinki): My peregrinations in Old Norway” – Robert Wilson’s Norwegian Tour (1830)
13:15 Lunch
14:00 Kjersti Bale (University of Oslo): Travelling among Contemporary Ruins: Essayistic Self-fashioning in Marit Eikemo’s Samtidsruinar
14:30 Ellen Mortensen (University of Bergen): Trans-Atlantic Travels in Stories and Letters: Edvard Hoem’s Norwegian-American Family Chronicle
15.00 Break
15:15 Janicke S. Kaasa (University of Oslo): Léonie d’Aunet’s Voyage d’une femme au Spitzberg (and its Norwegian translation)
15:45 Jakob Lothe (University of Oslo): To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive”: Cecil Slingsby’s Norway: The Northern Playground (1904)
Friday 13 November - (via Zoom)
10:00 Elettra Carbone (University College London): Representations of Italy in Nordic Literature from the 1830s to the 1910s
10:30 Anders Johansen (University of Bergen): Nansen as Ethnographer: Travelling in Time, Encountering Contemporaries
11:00 Peter Fjågesund (University of Southern Norway): Nordic Stereotypes: A Critical Examination of the Traveller's Gaze
11:30 Break
12:00 Tyrone Martinsson (University of Gothenburg): Jan Troell’s Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd (1982), Related to Andrée’s Balloon Expedition in 1897 and to Per Olof Sundman’s Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd (1967)
12:30 Finish