Akademimøte i Bergen

What is an Algorithm?

Hotel Norge, Nedre Ole Bulls plass 4, Bergen

Møtet åpner med at det holdes minnetale over Markvard Armin Sellevoll og Hans Z. Munthe-Kaas holder minnetale over Helge Arnulf Tverberg

Foredrag ved professor ved Institutt for informatikk, Universitetet i Bergen, Fedor V. Fomin. Han skal snakke om What is an Algorithm? Foredraget blir holdt på engelsk.

What is an Algorithm?
Algorithms, high-level descriptions of the performance of computational tasks, form the basis of Computer Science. 

We will discuss beautiful mathematical theories (on a popular level) of Algorithms. Finally, we talk about challenges and speculate about the future of Algorithms. 

Se opptak møtet her

Foredragsholder på Akademimøtet i Bergen 4. november 2021
Fedor V Fomin

Kort biografi
Fedor V. Fomin is a professor in computer science at the University of Bergen, researching Algorithms and Combinatorics. In 2019 Fomin was named an EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science) Fellow for "his fundamental contributions in the fields of parameterized complexity and exponential algorithms". He is elected member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, and the Academia Europaea.