Forelesning ved Simon Critchley, Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research, New York
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About the lecture:
I spent all of 2021 writing a book on mysticism, which was to some extent provoked by experiences that many people underwent during the pandemic. The book is finished in first draft, and - in addition to trying to define this central but peculiar dimension of religious experience - I will try and give an overview of my approach to mysticism with some illustrations, probably from Julian or Norwich, Meister Eckhart and others.
Short biography
Simon Critchley is a Hans Jonas Professor at the New School for Social Research. His books include Very Little…Almost Nothing (1997), Infinitely Demanding (2007), The Book of Dead Philosophers (2009), and The Faith of the Faithless (2012). Recent works include a novella, Memory Theatre, a book-length essay, Notes on Suicide, and studies of David Bowie and Football and Apply-Degger (Onassis, 2020). His most recent books are Tragedy, The Greeks and Us (Pantheon, 2019), and Bald (Yale, 2021). He was a series moderator of ‘The Stone’, a philosophy column in The New York Times and co-editor of The Stone Reader (2016) and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Onassis Foundation. He is also 50% of an obscure musical combo called Critchley & Simmons.