What is good science and what is not?
Medical science and society during the covid-19 pandemic. What have we learned?
18:00 PART 1 What is good science?
Session chair: Michael Bretthauer
Welcome: Per-Olav Vandvik is Professor at the University of Oslo and founder of the MAGIC Evidence Ecosystem Foundation.
What science can we trust? Lise Helsingen is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Oslo.
Selecting the best during the pandemic: Darren Taichman is Executive Strategy Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.
The science that wasn't done: Charlotte Haug is international correspondent at the New England Journal of Medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association.
19:00 PART 2 Dissemination of science
Session chair: Magnus Løberg
High-quality publishing: who is playing? Christine Laine is editor-in-chief of Annals of International Medicine.
Publishing research in 2022: Michael Bretthauer is Professor at the University of Oslo and Tromsø, and Associate Editor at Annals of International Medicine.
Panel debate: All speakers, moderated by Michael Bretthauer.
Special panel guests: Law Professor Anna Nylund, University of Bergen and member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and Philosophy Prog. Einar Øverenget, University College Innlandet.
Closing remarks: Øyvind Bruland, Professor at the University of Oslo and group leader of the medical group in The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.