Knowledge Resistance: Its Nature and the Underlying Psychological Mechanisms
Møte åpner med at Jon Eigill Johansen holder minnetale over Synnøve Liaaen Jensen.
We will clarify the notion of knowledge resistance from a philosophical point of view, characterizing it as a distinctive type of irrational response to the available evidence. We will also discuss the psychological mechanisms involved, some of the experimental data and what research tells us about how to counteract the resistance.
Professorene Åsa Wikforss, Kathrin Glüer-Pagin og Torun Lindholm Öjmyr ved Stockholms universitet innleder dette temamøte på engelsk.
Kunngjøring av HumSam-prisen
I forkant av Akademimøtet vil visepreses, professor Terje Lohndal, presentere mottakeren av Akademiets pris for fremragende forskning innen humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap (Stefi og Lars Fylkesakers pris); Akademiets HumSam-pris for 2023.
Om innlederne
Åsa Wikforss är professor i teoretisk filosofi vid Stockholms universitet. Sedan 2019 leder hon ett stort tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprogram om kunskapsmotstånd, finansierat av Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Hon är författare till boken Alternativa fakta. Om kunskapen och dess fiender (2017) och aktuell med boken Därför Demokrati. Om kunskapen och folkstyret (2021). Hon är ledamot i Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien och i Svenska Akademien.
Kathrin Glüer-Pagin is professor of theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University. She works mainly in the philosophy of mind and language. Since 2019, she is the PI for the philosophy group in an interdisciplinary research project on knowledge resistance, financed by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and led by Åsa Wikforss. She is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and of the Academia Europaea.
Torun Lindholm Öjmyr is a professor in social psychology at Stockholm University. Her research interests focus on topics in social and cognitive psychology. Among her projects are studies on intergroup relations and prejudice, biases and memory distortions in decision-making, and metamemory. She is currently conducting research on potential strategies to reduce knowledge resistance, and the role of group membership in this context. Lindholm has been a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Social Psychology, member of the Swedish National Committee of Psychology, and is at current member of Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History, and Antiquities.