The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Teacher's award

About the prize:
This prize is awarded to a teacher in primary school, secondary school or high school for his or her extraordinary efforts.
Both headmasters, teachers, pupils and parents are invited to nominate candidates.
The prize amount is NOK 50.000, and it is awarded every other year.
When suggesting the laureate, the prize committee emphasizes the teacher’s ability to create interest for the subject, as well as to encourage the pupils to continue their good work after finishing school.
The prize committee provides its suggestion to The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters Board, which makes the final decision.
The deadline for nominations is 1 March every other year, next time in 2023.
History of the prize:
The Academy Teacher of the year prize was established in 2009 in memory of Daniel Føllesdal (1869-1923), his wife Bertha (1871-1937) and six of their children, who were all teachers.
Professor Inger Moen, former president of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, headed the prize committee until 2015 when Svein Sjøberg took over.
Prize committee members:
The prize committee consists of four members, appointed by the Academy Board.
For the period 2021 – 2023 the members are:
- Svein Sjøberg (chair)
- Cecilie Mauritzen
- Marte Blikstad-Balas
- Steffen Handal (representative of the Union of Education Norway. "Utdanningsforbundet"), in 2023 Ingunn Bonnet Wetterstad represented Utdanningsforbundet.