ALLEA - All European Academies

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has a set of initiatives under the Science advice umbrella, and one important pillar is the ALLEA membership.

ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, was founded in 1994, and currently brings together almost 60 Academies in more than 40 countries from the Council of Europe region. ALLEA therefore provides access to an unparalleled human resource of intellectual excellence, experience and expertise

Working Groups
ALLEA Working Groups are advisory bodies of temporary duration concerned with specific issues and providing advice and guidance on matters to do with science, science management and science policy.

ALLEA logo
The ALLEA membership is important for the Academy's Science advice initiative.

The organization has two permanent Working Groups:

  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Science and Ethics

Recent report examples:

•    Making Sense of Science for Policy Under Conditions of Complexity and Uncertainty
•    Transforming the Future of Ageing
•    Flourishing in a Data-Enabled Society
•    Trust in Science and Changing Landscapes of Communication
•    Science in Times of Challenges Trust and Expertise

Reports and publications

  • The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
  • Newsletter
  • Statements
  • ALLEA book series

Reports of relevance for Norway
The Academy prioritizes reports with a special relevance for Norway, and organizes Academy meetings, where the reports are presented, preferably by one of the authors, and a panel discusses the issue at hand in front of an audience.