Science advice Committee

Vitenskapsrådgivningsutvalget 2022
Vitenskapsrådgivningsutvalget i DNVA 2022.


Mandate and members

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters' second Science advice Committee was established in 2022, with the mandate to:

  • contribute to develop mechanisms for Science advice in Norway in cooperation with The Technical Science Academy, other scientific academies in Norway, the Norwegian Research Council and other units
  • contribute to international Science advice work, and in particular adjust and prepare international Science advice reports for a Norwegian context
  • contribute to develop the Norwegian understanding of what Science advice entails
  • make the Academy's Science advice efforts better known in the Norwegian context


  • Jørn Rattsø, professor in social economics, NTNU (leader)
  • Mari Elken, senior researcher, NIFU and member of The young academy of Norway (substitute for Kjersti Lohne, UiO)
  • Carl Henrik Knutsen, professor, Institute for political science, UiO
  • Inger Sandlie, professor, Section for biochemistry and molecular biology, UiO
  • Inga Strümke, researcher, Department of computer science, NTNU
  • Jonas Stein, Associate professor, Department of social sciences, UiT
  • Dag Aksnes, professor, Department of biological sciences, UiB
  • Ingvald Strømmen, professor and advisor, Faculty administration, NTNU
  • Kjersti Fløttum, professor, Department of foreign languages, UiB


Anders Elverhøi works with Science advice in the Academy as a part time senior advisor (

Eva Halvorsen is the Committee Secretary (