EASAC – European Academies Science Advisory Council
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters works with a set of initiatives under the Science advice umbrella, and one important pillar is the EASAC membership.
EASAC is the voice of independent Science advice, mobilising Europe’s leading scientists to guide EU policy for the benefit of society. It brings together the National Academies of Science of the EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland.
EASAC sets up committees of experts who produce independent, evidence-based reports in three areas that help policy-makers make informed decisions:
- Energy
- Biosciences
- Environment
These reports are presented to the EU Commission in Brussels.
Potential topics for new reports are submitted from individual persons, individual countries or from the EU Parliament.
EASAC report examples:
- The imperative of climate action to protect human health in Europe
- Decarbonisation of Transport: options and Challenges
- Opportunities for future research and innovation on food and nutrition security and agriculture
- Opportunities for soil sustainability in Europe
- New Plant Breeding Techniques
- Food safety
An example of a report that has had great influence is the report on Insecticides
From time to time EASAC publishes shorter Statements, and an example is the Statement on vaccines.
Reports of relevance for Norway
The Academy prioritizes reports with a special relevance for Norway, and invites to Academy meetings. The reports are presented, preferably by one of the authors, and a panel discusses the issue at hand in front of an audience. Follow-up activities are then considered and planned.